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Aumet Egypt
Aumet is dedicated to providing tailored solutions that enhances the performance of healthcare providers, operating in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt. It is a Saudi company that was Originally established in the United States, Aumet is now the largest B2B healthcare solution provider that supports companies with their business decisions and performance. Aumet facilitates the exchange of data between healthcare providers, manufacturers, and distributors to enable them to take the right decision. OUR VISION The largest B2B solution that supports healthcare companies with their business making-decisions and performance. We believe in the transformative power of technology to enhance decision-making and performance in healthcare. Through our platform, we enable healthcare manufacturers, distributors, and providers to access the latest products and services, gain global exposure, and make informed business decisions with essential data. OUR MISSION We bridge the gaps in the healthcare industry by digitalizing the ordering process between, suppliers and health care providers.

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