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Mohamed Reda
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With a 6-year background experience in the BPO industry, business development, a managerial post in the UN, and finally a 15 years experience in the training field. Mohamed has come to condense and formulate all of his efforts and knowledge acquired to dedicate it to the field of empowerment and development in the form of training programs & applied workshops to further enhance the youth who are facing today's dynamic global race.

Being a human development consultant has given Mohamed the chance to conduct sessions, workshops & seminars to over 50,000 trainees from different walks of life & business; starting from university students, juniors, seniors, middle management and even top management of governmental institutions and corporate.

This ray of diversity has helped tremendously with further career excavation in the field of human development along with corporate learning & development. As he is looking into starting a master's degree in business psychology to be able to blend between L&D, gamification & performance management in a tight cohesive productive mold.

Finally, Mohamed's specialty in the field comes in the form of creating a diverse set of synchronous & asynchronous learning experiences for corporate regionally & internationally. Using microlearning, AR, elearning creations, learning games and gamification systems.

Mohamed currently is the founder of The Catalyst, an instructional design consultancy focused on the sole purpose of creating impeccable learning experience.

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