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Nadeem Barakat
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Sales and Business Development

With over 10 years of experience in various industries, Nadeem is a commercial expert and a business development instructor. As the Regional Business Director at Chefaa, Nadeem leads the expansion and growth of the digital pharmacy platform in new markets, leveraging his skills in strategic sales management, business planning, corporate sales, and partnerships. Nadeem also shares his passion and knowledge for business development and entrepreneurship with future professionals and SMEs owners, as an instructor at ESLSCA University and a trainer on online platforms like almentor.net. Nadeem has delivered more than 500 training hours and reached over 3000 trainees, covering topics such as business development , sales & negotiation skills & customer relationship management. Nadeem's mission is to empower businesses and individuals with the tools and strategies they need to succeed in today's competitive and dynamic environment. Nadeem holds multiple certifications from LinkedIn in agile instructional design, goal setting, and leadership.

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