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Banking and Fintech Summit
Banking and Fintech Summit

The Banking and FinTech Summit, Egypt's first of its kind, is a groundbreaking career development event for young professionals and students. It provides a unique platform to engage with industry leaders, gain insights into emerging trends, connect with top companies, and explore innovative solutions shaping the future of banking and financial technology.

Career Up
Career Up

Join us for an innovative and dynamic hybrid event, the Career Up Scope Event, focused on empowering individuals in their career development journey and fostering entrepreneurship spirit. This event is proudly powered by Enactus Beni Suief and serves as a beacon for professionals, budding entrepreneurs, and career enthusiasts alike, offering a unique blend of insightful discussions, hands-on workshops, and networking opportunities.

#careerup #enactus_beni _suief

Egypt Career Summit 2024
Egypt Career Summit 2024

Join the biggest career development and recruitment event in Egypt, to meet 350+ Experts, 75+ corporates and startups providing 1000+ vacancies !

Enactus Egypt GOT
Enactus Egypt GOT

Where different mentors lay the groundwork and provide 700+ students with the know-how needed to build their teams in fields like leadership and communication skills, design thinking, Business Model Canvas, etc. along with team-building workshops and activities.

Leadership Training
Leadership Training

Where different mentors lay the groundwork and provide 700+ students with the know-how needed to build their teams in fields like leadership and communication skills, design thinking, Business Model Canvas, etc. along with team-building workshops and activities.

Egypt Career Summit 2023
Egypt Career Summit 2023

Join the biggest career development and recruitment event in Egypt, to meet 350+ Experts, 75+ corporates and startups providing 1000+ vacancies !

MENA Career Summit
MENA Career Summit

MENA Career Summit 2022 is the way to unleash the space for Techies & Digital Marketing enthusiasts. We create a mindful up-to-date market by connecting MENA minds, sharing their struggles, successes, journeys, and landing better opportunities.

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