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SCIB Paints
Scib started as a project to "Study Construction and Industrial Buildings" and that is how the name SCIB came. A pioneer in the Egyptian paints industry, commencing operations in 1981. In 2002, SCIB partnered with Asian Paints (India), India's number one paint company. In October 2010, production started in SCIB plant 2, with an annual production capacity of 90,000 KL and in October 2011, the renovation of plant 1 was completed with an annual production capacity of 75,000 KL. Scib provides best-in-class products in the region renowned for variety and quality; from premium emulsion paints, to special effects décor paints, to exterior paints as well as enamel paints and wood paints. The company’s wide product range has a suitable product for each budget. The company has made an investment of US$ 5 million and employs nearly 700 people. The Emulsion Paints, Enamels, Thinner, Varnish, Putty, Universal colourants, texture paints and protective coating are exported to different locations such as; Libya, Palestine, Jordan, Nigeria, etc. Scib is an Asian Paints group company, India's number one paint company and a top decorative paint company worldwide.

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