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Education and Training

التعامل مع الضغط النفسي والإرهاق

"ستتعلم في هذه الدورة:

- الفرق بين الضغط والإرهاق.

- كيف يمكن أن يكون التوتر مفيدًا.

- سبب الإرهاق.

- دورة الإنهاك وكيفية كسرها.

- كيف نتعامل مع التوتر من خلال أفكارنا وعواطفنا وسلوكنا."

من يجب أن يتعلم هذا الكورس

هذه الدورة مخصصة لمن يعاني من التوتر ويريد معرفة أسباب التوتر وكيفية التعامل معه.

محتوى الكورس
10 محاضرة • 44m
  • محاضرة 1: مقدمة
    01:08 min
  • محاضرة 2: فهم الضغط النفسي والإرهاق
    03:32 min
  • محاضرة 3: هل يمكن أن يكون التوتر مفيدًا؟
    04:05 min
  • محاضرة 4: لماذا نصاب بالإرهاق؟
    07:46 min
  • محاضرة 5: لنكسر الحلقة - منع الإرهاق
    05:09 min
  • محاضرة 6: قراءة علامات ومحفزات الإرهاق
    04:18 min
  • محاضرة 7: التعامل مع الضغط والإرهاق 1- أفكارك
    07:05 min
  • محاضرة 8: التعامل مع الضغط والإرهاق 2 - عواطفك
    06:04 min
  • محاضرة 9: التعامل مع الضغط والإرهاق 3 - سلوكك
    04:36 min
  • محاضرة 10: استنتاج
    00:58 sec

عن المحاضر

Mai Elwy

Mai is a psychologist & mental health professional. She earned her master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from The American University in Cairo and received her training on Parenting in the UK. With her professional background in corporates and training, Mai integrates her education and professional experience to develop personal, professional, and family wellbeing through mental health and family wellness programs and interventions. Mai is also an ICF certified coach.

Mai has been working as a career mentor and trainer for Lazord Fellowship at John Gerhart Center at AUC since 2015. She provides mentoring and training sessions for fresh graduates who show leadership potential in the field of development on career guidance, gearing up for a new job, self-awareness, goal setting, and emotional intelligence. She currently teaches Psychology at the Arab Academy for Science & Technology.

In her clinical training and practice, Mai worked with in both inpatient and outpatient settings at entities that include The Behman Hospital and The Psychological Counseling and Training Center at AUC. In her training and practice, she has worked with adults and families with a wide range of psychological, emotional, and family issues including stress, depression, anxiety, panic disorder, career coaching, grief, psychosis, workplace challenges, relationships challenges, and marital problems.

Mai has been hired by many organizations as a mental health coach and family wellbeing trainer and counselor including UNICEF Egypt, CARE International, John Gerhart Center at AUC, Vodafone Egypt, PepsiCo Egypt, TE Data, MARS, Oracle, JTI, Amazon Egypt and Schneider Electric. Some of the programs that she had successfully delivered cover topics that include stress management, taking care of mental health in stressful times, parenting and family wellbeing, peaceful marriages, self-awareness, mental resilience, and dealing with difficult people.

Mai has a special passion for parenting and family wellness; she is certified from Positive Parenting UK and has an exclusive license of practice in Egypt from The Parent Practice London. She is also trained on Emotion Focused Therapy and uses it in working with couples and families. Since 2015, she has trained and worked with hundreds of couples, parents, teachers, and social workers on family wellness.

In 2019, Mai received the HUSS Award for her outstanding achievement and contributions to the psychology department at The American University in Cairo and the IFAH Award from Dubai for her contributions to the field of mental health.

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