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Intro to Freelancing: 1st Chapter of the Full Guide

Freelancing is not for everyone! Some of us can have a hard time with it!

That's why before Joining Lobna Khaled and Freelance Yard for an 11-hour full guide about how to be a freelancer, you will need to make sure that the freelancing lifestyle is suitable for you! (maybe it's not.)

This intro will help you figure out the following:

  • Discover Freelancing: Uncover the potential and advantages of freelancing.
  • Freelancing expectations vs reality.
  • Stand up against fierce competition.
  • Navigate Your Career: The 4 career paths for Any Freelancer.
  • Create an Actionable Plan: Build a roadmap for success, including portfolio development, and more.

Watch the intro to make a final decision about pursuing freelancing as a career.

من يجب أن يتعلم هذا الكورس
  • المبتدئين في العمل الحر
محتوى الكورس
9 محاضرة • 01h 01m
  • محاضرة 1: مقدمة
    01:58 min
  • محاضرة 2: اين ترى نفسك بعد 5 سنوات؟
    06:21 min
  • محاضرة 3: تختلف بين العمل الحر والعمل عن بعد والسيناريوهات الأخرى
    09:33 min
  • محاضرة 4: ما الذي يتطلبه العمل بالقطعة؟
    06:14 min
  • محاضرة 5: ما الذي يتطلبه أن تكون فريلانسر مثاليًا
    08:58 min
  • محاضرة 6: المسار الوظيفي للفريلانسر
    06:54 min
  • محاضرة 7: ما هو صحيح وما هو غير صحيح في العمل الحر
    10:23 min
  • محاضرة 8: Deal Breakers
    07:09 min
  • محاضرة 9: خطة عمل
    03:30 min

عن المحاضر

Lobna Khaled

I believe in the magical powers of words, both written and spoken. 
I write, train, and recruit since 2013. I love writing copies that sell, I love teaching people how to do that, and I'm always keen on connecting them with suitable job opportunities to level up their careers.
Since 2015, I have been on the journey of crafting a reputation for myself as a copywriting expert and a career mentor for freelancers who is well-known for being skillful, dedicated, and innovative. "Oh I know her, she is that professional, talented, and reliable copywriter and mentor. People love to work with her" for that to be the first thing that pops up on your mind when hearing my name.
Looking forward to working with people I can add actual value to both their business and mind. Aiming to create sophisticated pieces of written and spoken content that is efficient enough for brands to go viral and for minds to level up!

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  • تفاعل مع خبراء الكورس
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  • وصول كامل لجميع الموارد للكورسات
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  • احصل علي شهادة اتمام الحضور
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  • وصول كامل لجميع الموارد للكورسات
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