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Ahmed Abass
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Another so-called “Consultant”? 
That person who advises and recommends but rarely guarantees results or gets involved in implementation!

I have a unique offer for you and your business!
I provide service as value and get involved in the implementation and provide hand-on support!
Isn't it a big risk for a consultant?

Let's flashback and let me tell my story to understand where I'm coming from.
I chose to pursue a B.A. in Psychology and took part in student activities where I learned a lot about teamwork, organizational behavior, politics, management, and process.

Then I studied Six Sigma, Business Analysis, HR, Business Administration, Instructional Design, Sales, Strategic Planning, and CS, I have a higher diploma in Quality Assurance and statistical control, and about to finish my MBA.

When I was 18 years old, I got my first job as a salesperson knocking on doors to sell low-quality electronic appliances, then I moved into Customer Service as a call center agent, but it didn't take long before I found a problem with newcomers training, developed a plan to improve training and knowledge, became responsible for staff technical training, and delivered my first training session for middle management when I was 20 years old!

The beginnings of 2011 in Egypt were very difficult for businesses; it was my chance to shine, accepting a challenge to establish a Workforce Planning Department, which required a lot of studying and huge efforts, but mission accomplished; not only that, but I also developed and led a Continuous Improvement unit, we were awarded the COPC® certificate, and I was given the title of "Organization's Savior."

Fast-forward to 2013, where I was the head of a special-purpose unit reporting to the CEO of a non-profit organization, responsible for reengineering policies, processes, and culture to boost effectiveness and shift performance as part of strategy transformation, then this unit was merged into HR department where I was in charge of Organizational Development and Capacity Building to finish what we started!

Then I was required to focus on Customers, remodel processes and operations to achieve customer success, and develop a customer-centric culture!

And then I came to the decision to change my career path to consulting, with a unique approach based on my learning and experience, where business management is a value maker, the customer is the ultimate goal, people are enablers and transponders, and the process is the medium.

Please contact me if you want to learn more about my approach and how it can help you and your business!


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