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Fatma Naguib
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Fatma Naguib is currently occupying the position of Chief Investment Analyst at AL-Futtaim Real Eastate Group , holding responsibilities of assessing the financial feasibility of the companies’ projects. Result-oriented analyst & Auditing professional, Fatma has eleven years of experience in Real Easte industry ,telecommunication industry and financial services, background leveraging CMA credentials. Well-versed in creating ABC cost models from scratch till the implementation on ERP systems. Worked with international consultants to enhance internal financial process and Assets financial Valuation in accordance to RICS valuation standards . Away from the Coorprate life, Fatma is a Qualified Professional Trainer and Instructional Design Certified, designing and delivering the CMA preparation Course , Finance For Non-financial Managers course , and Financial Feasibilty courses in addition to some personal development workshops “Power of Words “,"Power of Self love" and " Creative Problem Solving". Fatma believes that children are the most important seed that needs to be well-planted to develop the society; from here her Story-Telling initiative “HEKAYAT TAMTAM” started with Diwan Book stores. “Be The Change You want to see in the world.” Waking the talk she always believes in, Fatma is having a wide network for charity activities that aim to help any human being regardless their race, beliefs and religion.Fatma Naguib is cur

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