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Khaled Badr
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Since 2016 I've helped businesses grow both digitally and on ground. I helped building teams and managing them using Strategic planning, Business Analysis, Forecasting, Digital marketing, Advanced Sales skills and Sales management. 

I have helped companies grow revenue and market share in HR, Finance, Education, IoT and SAAS industries. Working on audiences from Egypt, Gulf region, Europe, USA, Canada and Australia.

I am experienced in Marketing, Business Growth and Business Analytics. I have a demonstrated history of working in the following digital marketing domains:
- SEO (Both for blogs and products)
- Google ads (Both search and display ads)
- Google Analytics 
- Content creation 
- Social media marketing (Facebook - Instagram - Linkedin - Tiktok - Twitter)
- Email Marketing (Standard and automated)
- Direct marketing (Including chatbots marketing)

I work as a freelance trainer/instructor since 2013 with over 2000 hours of training by July 2022. I have experience working as a live instructor both on ground and remotely using (Google meet, Google Hangouts Meet, Zoom, Adobe Connect, YouTube live streaming)

I got my Engineering Degree focused in Computer Engineering from Cairo University.

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