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Sara M. Fouad
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Marketing and PR

Sara Fouad is a Brand Manager at Harvest Foods Company with 7 years of marketing experience. Prior to branding, she spent three years in marketing research field where she was handling projects with Mercedes, UN Women and the National Bank of Egypt.

Aside from having a full-time job in Branding, Sara decided to turn her passion into profession and deliver a gamified marketing trainings along with providing online sessions on Career180 platform where she helps people to discover various marketing career pathways.

Sara is a Certified International Professional Trainer (CIPT) from Catalyst TOT program, holds a Bachelor degree in Business Administration from Ain Shams University and completed Marketing Certificate from AUC.

She was an ACYPL intern in Washington D.C. and the co-founder and ex-president of AIBE, the first workshop-based student activity in Ain Shams University - faculty of commerce - with another branch in Sadat Academy for Management Sciences benefiting 4000+ student.


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