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A passionate female entrepreneur focusing on impact-driven startups and initiatives founded Career 180, Freelance Yard and Egypt Career Summit that managed to impact +600,000 different stakeholders whether youth, corporates, international organizations and governmental entities.
We focus on delivering a full engaging cycle starting from qualifying calibers by more than 200 recorded courses on our platform and then connect them with our +2000 hiring partners on the Career 180 platform.

• IFC and Embassy of Netherlands Top 100 Female entrepreneurs in the Middle East and Africa.
• Top 50 Female leaders and entrepreneurs by Women Professional Forum Powered by the Egyptian Cabinet.
• The most inspiring 30 under 30 by Cairo and startup scene powered by MO4.
• The best social impact at Injaz regional competition in 2017.
• The top Edtech and recruitment startups in the MENA Region by HOLONIQ.

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