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Sales and Business Development

Business Development Program


Live Course Schedule
  • 1
  • Session
Session 1 "Offline"
"- Introduction to Business Development
- Different pathways in Business development and it’s challenges
( Sales, Sponsorships..etc)
- How to full understand your company goals and value proposition to create short and long term development plan.
- Your company’s Product life cycle.
- The best Techniques in Business development in creating strategic plan.
- How to research your market to create competition analysis and find development opportunities.
- Practical Activity “Create your company short strategic development plan”
06:00 PM, 07-08-2022
  • 2
  • Session
Session 2 "Online"
"- Understand your customers’ needs and challenges.
- Understand your company’s competitive edge, history and resources.
- How to assign your goals with the marketing team.
- The techniques of writing your company’s proposal and profile.
- Practical Activity “Create your company proposal”"
06:00 PM, 08-08-2022
  • 3
  • Session
Session 3 "Offline"
"- How to establish a good leads, sponsors, Partners and vendor acquisition targeting plan.
- Sales funnel and acquisition rate.
- How to find contacts to your leads to reach them.
- LinkedIn Tips and tricks.
- Different Networking activities to reach your leads.
Practical activity “Create leads targeting plan and reach clients contacts”
06:00 PM, 11-08-2022
  • 4
  • Session
Session 4 "Offline"
"- Understanding how to design and execute a negotiation process.
- Cold calls techniques and activity
- How to understand other people interests and their body language in communication.
- Negotiation skills techniques
- Practical Activity “Apply what you learned”"
06:00 PM, 14-08-2022
  • 5
  • Session
Session 5 "Offline"
"- The Art of Closing your deal
- What you should do pre, during and post your meeting with the client
- Meetings techniques
- Practical Activity “Apply what you learned in an actual meeting”"
06:00 PM, 17-08-2022
  • 6
  • Session
Session 6 "Online"
"- Create a strategic CRM system to sustain your clients
- Understand the post deal documentation and process
- How to keep your customer (customer retention) & why?"
06:00 PM, 18-08-2022
  • 7
  • Session
Session 7 "Online"
"* Sales function within the org.
* Sales Mindset
* Product Knoweledge (FABE)
* Competitive Analysis
* Prospecting
* Outbound VS Inbound
* Colld Calls
06:00 PM, 20-08-2022
  • 8
  • Session
Session 8 "Offline"
"* Identifying the customer’s need
* Asking Effective Questions
* Presentation & Blocking Objections
* Demo
* Closing & Creating sense of urgency
* Offering the price
* Colld Calls
* Discounts "
06:00 PM, 22-08-2022
  • 9
  • Session
Session 9 "Online"
"Be an Excellent Negotiator!
(Techniques and Language for successful negotiation!)"
06:00 PM, 24-08-2022
  • 10
  • Session
Session 10 "Online"
"- Improve your soft skills
- Interviewing Tips and tricks
- CV writing Tips and tricks.
- Practical activity “ Join an actual interview “ and “ Write your own CV”"
06:00 PM, 28-08-2022

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