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Basel Mostafa
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Project Management

Over 10 years of project management experience, practice & training delivery.
My passion lead me to continuously develop my knowledge, skills & attitude towards being
a better Project Manager.
Through my experience I have delivered transformational projects - Digitalization - Automation - Product Launches - Data Migration - Organizational Changes, my experience enabled me to deliver diverse projects across different industries & business sectors regardless the technical background.

Mini Bio:
#Ain Shams Graduate, Mechanical Power Engineering
#Currently working as Senior Project Manager, AXA Egypt
#Worked at Alterna, General Motors Egypt, Bureau Veritas Egypt
#PMI – ACP Certified, #2935858
#ICAgile Certified Professional (ICP)
#Project Management Diploma, Eton university & Notting Hill College
#PMP Certified, #1681874
#Certified Qualified Professional Trainer, TRACCERT Canada
#10+ years of Project Management Experience & Training Delivery
#450+ Hours of Project Management Education
#Founder & Lead Trainer @Projectize
#Delivered Project Management at the CCCS in British University in Egypt (BUE), IEEE, Iconic, Quads Solutions, Para Guru LLC, Trivas, Career Advancers, ICareer, Evo Training, Tahrir Lounge, GEW, OBM, Egypt Career Summit, PM Summit, RITI, General Terminology, Logic, Impact & progress Consult Academy
#Listed as one of PMI`s PMBOK 7 Reviewers

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