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Delta Pharma
Delta Pharma Vacancy

Electrical Engineer Section Head

Delta Pharma

Years of experience: +7 سنة

Employment Type: دوام كامل

Posted since: منذ سنة

Job description
Develop and follow up on the implementation of plans for all electrical and construction maintenance works Follow up on the implementation of periodic maintenance work for electrical equipment in the service and production departments and the rest of the factory sectors Submit a monthly business report to the Engineering Director on the progress of maintenance work. Reviewing technical and engineering studies for machine modification requests and supervising their implementation Determining the needs of the necessary materials, equipment, and spare parts for electricity
Job responsibilities:
الخبرة, المهارات والمتطلبات
Bachelor's degree in Engineering Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics industries. Has very good time management, communication, and computer skills The ability to lead a team to work efficiently
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